Tuesday, September 23, 2008

OMNIA - Part 1

The MOBA OMNIA range of egg grading and packing machines is designed to perfectly match the steadily increasing requirements of the egg industry. By using and incorporating ideas and demands of our customers continuously, the OMNIA range is built to your needs. With an impressive market share world-wide, the name "OMNIA" is well known in the egg industry. It is by no means a synonym for "a grader", but it stands for a versatile modular system, like a menu from which you can compose the optimal configuration for your individual situation. OMNIA FT stands for "Food Technology" and is the latest development in this impressive family of high-end egg grading machines.

Capacity ranges:

A higher capacity does not just mean speeding up processes.The egg, a unique creation by nature, is the focus of our technology. Numerous measurements taught us how to handle eggs in a very safe and gentle way. Limiting speeds and impacts leads the way to a safe and reliable output quality. By creating a modular range of egg graders, MOBA succeeded in handling eggs with the same care throughout the complete OMNIA range, from the lowest to the highest capacity machine.

By adding more tracks (egg transport chains in the main transport frame of the machine) and more infeed rows (the number of eggs transported next to each other at the rollers of the infeed conveyor) the OMNIA handles eggs very gently at all machine speeds.

Individual Egg Handling:

The basic idea in the OMNIA is that eggs are treated as individual products; once the eggs arrive on the rollers of the infeed section, any contact between eggs is avoided. This principle, that already became famous in previous generations of MOBA egg graders, is well known by the name of"The Gentle Touch". It serves actually
3 purposes. First of all, individual egg handling reduces the risk of cracked egg shells. When two eggs come in contact with each other with only a minor force, both egg shells will suffer damage from this impact and the weaker of the two can show hairline cracks or worse. Secondly, eggs that are allowed to collide against each other and against equipment in the grading process are able to bring bacteria across to other eggs. Opposite to egg reservoirs in other machines, where eggs are touching each other constantly, this may form excellent breeding ground for bacteria, keeping eggs in individual positions without the opportunity to collide as in OMNIA, minimises the chances of cross contamination significantly. This is the only valid basis to use equipment for reducing bacteria on eggs, such as egg washers or ultra violet light disinfection systems. Thirdly, if all eggs are known individually by the graders computer, all data is available per egg! This offers the unique prospect for sophisticated packing options such as hatching or printing total egg weight per consumer pack, but also the ultimate form of traceability per pack source and the destination of all eggs are identified,and registered. This data can then he used for labelling or printing.

Handling more eggs parallel keeps egg-handling
at relatively low speeds possible

Never a collision between eggs; "individual egg handling"

User-friendly screens

Logistics and Capacity:

Another unique feature of OMNIA is the way the control system handles the logistic process.Other machines slow down or even come to a complete standstill when the number of eggs in the system exceeds the packing capacity. If you want, OMNIA can do the same, but also offers a much better alternative. Why stop a complete grading process if only one output is temporarily unavailable? OMNIA allows you to pre program alternative destinations, a so called "by-pass". Even packing lanes can be set for other products without stopping the machine. Because of this principle, you can count on your machine running at the speed you require, which is translated into a much better net output capacity of the machine.


The variety of functions on the machine requires a user- friendly interface. Thanks to sophisticated menus, necessary settings are easily found and changed.There are different user-levels. for instance for production or technical staff. The user-control of the machine can be operated via one or multiple screens on various locations. The user-screens are connected to the machines by means of a modern computer network, Since this is standard technology, interfacing the machine to office networks and linking it to administrative software is easily accomplished. Several software options are available to exchange data to third- party applications.

Detection equipment is placed above the egg flow

Click out parts for easy external cleaning

Loaders with capacities up to 120,000 eggs/hours are available for OMNIA

In the machine itself a heavy duty industrial network handles the signals to control the machine. Because such a network prevents enormous bundles of cables and also offers an integral self-check and diagnostic system. a secure and reliable operation of the machine is ensured.

Hygiene and Construction:

The MOBA OMNIA series is constructed from non-corrosive materials. All frame and metal parts are made from stainless steel, and chains, sprockets and bearings are of a anti-corrosive construction. This enables you to clean the machine thoroughly without the risk of corrosion. All parts that hold and handle eggs are made from plastics. Not "just" plastics, but carefully chosen materials that combine optimal egg handling with surface structures that keep accumulation of dirt and as a result micro organisms to the lowest possible minimum.

Everything that is placed under the egg flow will suffer from pollution. In many machines the result of this principal is that sensitive parts such as weighing systems or detectors cannot be retracted and cleaned easily. This means unnecessary downtime and during operation, unnecessary cross contamination. Not in OMNIA: at critical places, equipment is placed above the egg flow. This characteristic is typical for the OMNIA and underlines
the thought of our research team:"Preventing a problem is better than finding a solution for it". Due to this idea sensitive equipment such as detection systems, egg orientation and even the weighing system are placed above the egg flow.

Only when leaking eggs are already removed and the few parts necessary to hold the eggs and guide them to the packs require cleaning, these remaining parts can be clicked out and washed externally. This concerns relatively simple and small parts that can be exchanged by an extra set, so that machine production can continue without any noticeable downtime while parts can be washed externally, either by hand or in a controlled process in an industrial parts washer, which also guarantees the disinfection of these parts. In all situations where downtime is critical, the construction of OMNIA helps you to optimise your processes.

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